EstablishmentThe first Lebanese University library dates back to the year 1951, when The Ecole Normale Supérieure, its first faculty, was established. Today, The University has 16 faculties to be found in 62 different sections in various Lebanese regions. And whereas every section hosts a library, the number of libraries rose to 62, catering to the needs of 70 000 students, 3000 teachers and 2000 employees.In 2008, the University's endeavor to update and develop its libraries materialized in the inauguration of the first mechanized library, housed in the faculty of documentation and information (first branch). The project was completed with the computerization of all 62 libraries based on the "Horizon" system, used by hundreds of libraries worldwide. These libraries hold a great collection of books, periodicals, multimedia, theses and maps, that amount to 700,000 different items. Since 2004, the Lebanese University embarked on its journey by acquiring and subscribing to electronic resources, such as books, electronic periodicals and databases. Today, it is subscribed to universal databases, each holding thousands of periodicals and electronic books covering different majors of the Lebanese University faculties, such as the Faculty of Law and Political sciences, the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Engineering, the Institute of Social Sciences.. |
MissionIn view of the Lebanese University's role of building and developing the society, its libraries play a major role in terms of supporting the academic curriculum and scientific research. Moreover, the libraries seek to keep pace with the information technology revolution in the educational field and work to provide the adequate environment for e-learning by increasing the number of electronic equipment, activating the use of the internet and acquiring a rich and complete collection of electronic information resources. VisionThe Lebanese University Libraries aspire to develop to a modern library with an aim to reach comprehensive quality in management and services, and evolve from a traditional and computerized library, to an electronic one able to keep up with modern teaching methods, in addition to distance learning. The Lebanese University seeks to reach this goal by advancing its libraries through developing, organizing and unifying methods of work, and fulfilling internationally acknowledged specifications and standards. Office chores will be easier with the use of the information technology and relevant training sessions will be held to form a team of highly skilled and specialized librarians, to help offering the best services for both students and teachers. |
Acquisition PolicyThe librarian and members of the educational body are responsible for choosing and developing the library collection that comprises books, periodicals and electronic resources according to a clear budget and policy. Selection criteriaWhen selecting the library collection, the Lebanese University Libraries follow several criteria, namely: the academic and research need of the University's students and teachers, and the newer book editions. Evaluating collections
The Lebanese University Libraries evaluates its collection based on the following: Evaluating Electronic resourcesThe Lebanese University Libraries evaluate the electronic resources through database search and usage statistics. Copyright LawLebanese University respects intellectual property rights and takes into account the rights of the author and the publisher. Gifts & Exchanges
1-Gifts and donations can be accepted according to specific terms, provided that they benefit the university |
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